Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Programs Collection of C++ Language


There is some basic programs collection of c++ with there output. The best way to learn about programming language is by writing programs. There i had already discussed about the structure of c++ program (i.e Basic Structure Of C++ Program.).

 Basic Programs for beginning of c++ :

-Write a Program in C++ for Arithmetic Operation.

-Write a Program in C++for Addition of Two Numbers.

-Write a Program in C++ for Arithmetic Operation with different Values.

-Write a Program in C++ to Find the Area of Circle of given Radius.

Control Statements Programs:-

Write a Program in C++to Find the Greatest one using if statement.

-Write a Program in C++ to find the Greatest Number out of two number using if-else statement.

-Write a Program in C++ to Check the given Number for Even or Odd.

-Write a program in C++to Evaluate the Performance of a Student Using if- else- if statement.

-Write a Program in C++ to calculate Sum and Multiplication of Two Numbers if first value is greater then 2nd otherwise Print 'Sorry'.

-Write a Program in c++ to Print Number of Days in a Month using switch case.

-Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple Calculator using Switch Case.
-Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple Calculator using Switch Case.

-Write a Program in C++ to Calculate the area of the circle until radius entered is zero using While    Loop.

-Write a Program in C++ to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using while loop.

-Write a Program in C++ to Print first n natural numbers and their sum using do-while loop. 

-Write a Program in C++ to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using for loop.

-Write a Program in C++ to generate a patterns using for loop.

Functions in C++ :- 

-Write a program in C++ to Calculate of simple interest using a function call by value method.

-Write a program in C++ for swapping of two numbers using function call by reference method.

-Write a Program in C++ to generate first n fibonacci terms .

-Write a Program in C++ which calculates the factorial of a number using recursion.

-Write a Program in c++ for function Overloading.

Array in C++ :-

-Write a Program in c++ which store the marks of five students in an array and then print all the marks.

-Write a Program in c++to input the marks of five students in an array and then print all the marks. 

-Write a Program in c++ which read 6 no. from keyboard and store these no into array and then calculate sum of these no. using function.

-Write a program in c++ which initialize a two dimensional array and print all the elements in matrix form.

-Write a program in c++ to input the value in  two dimensional array and print all the elements in matrix form.

-Write a program in c++ which read two matrix and then print a matrix which is addition of these two matrix.

Structure in C++:-

-Declaration of structure, creating a structure variable,accessing member of structure. 
-Write a program in c++ to read and write in structure .
-Write a program in c++ to read and write in structure .

-Write a program to calculate area of circle with structure and function 

-Array with structures

Write a Program in C++ to generate a patterns using for loop.

Program using for loop:-

1-Write a Program in C++ to generate the following pattern using for loop.

Pattern is-




 int i, j,n;

 cout<<"enter the value of n ";








Output :-

2-Write a Program in C++ to generate the following pattern using for loop.

Pattern is:-




 int i, j,n;

 cout<<"enter the value of n ";










3-Write a Program in C++ to generate the following pattern using for loop.

Pattern is:- 
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15


 int i, j,z=0 ;


     z++    ;

   cout<<" "<<z<<" " ;

   }        }


4-Write a Program in C++ to Print table from 1 to 9 using for loop.


 int i, j,z ;
   cout<<" "<<z;



5-Write a Program in C++ to generate a simple star pattern using for loop.

Pattern is:-

        * *
       * * *
      * * * *
     * * * * *
    * * * * * *



 int i, j,k,n;

 cout<<"enter the value of n ";





 cout<<"  ";


 cout<<" *  ";






6:-Write a Program in C++ to generate a Diamond pattern using for loop.

Pattern is :-

               *  *
              * * *
             * * * *
            * * * * *
             * * * *
              * * *
               *  *




                   int i, j,k,n;




 cout<<"  ";

 cout<<" *  ";





 cout<<"  ";

 cout<<" *  ";






Write a Program in C++ to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using for loop.

Program using for loop:- 

Syntax of for loop:-      
                                   for(initialization; test expression; re-initialization)
                                        body of the loop

Initialization Expression:- It is executed only once when the loop first starts.It provide an initial value for the local variable.

Test Expression:- It is executed every time through the loop before the body of the loop is executed. Mean it tell about the end value. There we will use relational operators. If the test expression is true, the body of the loop is executed, and if false, the control comes out of the loop.

Increment/Decrement (re-initialization) Expression:-It is always at the end of the loop, after the body of the loop.

Let us take an example:-

Write a Program in C++ to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using for loop.


 void main()
 int n,i,sum=0;
cout<<"enter the value of n";
cout<<"\n first "<<n<<"natural numbers are";


cout<<"\n"<<i<<"  ";



cout<<"\n the sum i ="<<sum;




Write a Program in C++ to Print first n natural numbers and their sum using do-while loop.

Program using do-while loop:-

                           Syntax of do-while loop:-


                                  body of loop
                                } while(condition);

The following points should be remembered while using the do-while loop:

- It is executed at least once.

-It is executed till the condition remains true and the control comes out of the loop when the  condition becomes false.

Let us take an example:-

Write a Program in C++ to Print first n natural numbers and their sum using do-while loop.


 void main()
 int n,i=1,sum=0;
cout<<"enter the value of n";
cout<<"\n first "<<n<<"natural numbers are";

cout<<"\n"<<i<<"  ";



}   while(i<=n);

cout<<"\n the sum i ="<<sum;




Write a Program in C++ to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using while loop.

Program using while Loop:-
                                               Syntax of while Loop:-

                      body of loop
 The following points should be remembered while using while loop:-

- It may not be executed even once if the condition is False initially.
- It is executed till the condition remains true and the control comes out of the loop when the        condition becomes false.

Let us take an example:-

:-Write a Program to Print first n Natural numbers and their sum using while loop.


 void main()
 int n,i=1,sum=0;
      cout<<"enter the value of n";
      cout<<"\n first "<<n<<"natural numbers are";


cout<<"\n"<<i<<"  ";




cout<<"\n the sum i ="<<sum;


 Output :-

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Write a Program in C++ to Calculate the area of the circle until radius entered is zero using While Loop.

:-Write a Program in C++ to Calculate the area of the circle until radius entered is zero using While Loop.

#include<math.h>  // for pow() function

  float radius, area;
  cout<<"\n Enter the radius(to terminate enter 0):";

  while(radius !=0)
area= 3.14*pow(radius,2);

cout<<"area is  : "<<area <<"sq. units \n";


 cout<<"\n Enter the radius(to terminate enter 0):";




The Output of this program :- 

Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple Calculator using Switch Case.

:-Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple Calculator using Switch Case.


void main()
  int a,b,o;
  float c;
  cout<<"\n enter the two operands: ";

  cout<<"\n enter 1 for addition";
  cout<<"\n enter 2 for subtruction";
  cout<<"\n enter 3 for multiplication";
  cout<<"\n enter 4 for division";

case 1:      c=a+b;
case 2:      c=a-b;
case 3:     c=a*b;
case 4:     c=a/b;

default :   cout<<"wrong choice";


The Output of this Program :-

Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple Calculator using Switch Case.

:- Write a program in C++ for Simulation of a Simple calculator using Switch Case .


void main()
  int a,b;
  char o;
  cout<<"\n enter the two operands: ";

  cout<<"\n enter the operator (+,-,*,/)";

case '+': cout<<endl<<a<<'+'<<b<<"  =  "<<a+b;
case '-': cout<<endl<<a<<'-'<<b<<"  =  "<<a-b;
case '*': cout<<endl<<a<<'*'<<b<<"  =  "<<a*b;
case '/': cout<<endl<<a<<'/'<<b<<"  =  "<<a/b;
default : cout<<"\n wrong choice";



The Output of this Program:-